Petite Brands I'm Currently Into

It's not easy being mini, but shopping can be.

Excited doesn't even begin to describe the feeling I get when I find a brand that I can shop at without having to try anything on.  I remarkably do this often and get away with it, mostly because I know the signs to look for. These signs aren't in the stars but they're on the right racks.  I love to try different brands and see what designers are out there, but sometimes it's good to know you have some places bankrolled that just fit (literally).  Whether it's in-store or online, here are a few brands that are currently my go-to's:

1. Topshop Petite Line

This one is pretty straightforward, but I will say, there are some brands out there that say they have "petite" sections but really they mean, a little shorter than Kendall Jenner. Topshop's line is made for people under 5'3 and fits the way it should.  They also don't pull down on quality, style, or chicness for this line, it's a lot of the same stuff that comes in regular sizing which I like.  

2. Reformation Petites

I love this brand for a few reasons, but mostly because they are a sustainable brand, and we should ALL try to make more sustainable choices when shopping.  Anyways, their clothing fits well even if it's not a petite piece, but having the option is so much better.  We know too well the fear when shopping for pants or long dresses without knowing if we're going to trip on them in the middle of brunch. 

3. Anthropologie Petites

I find that Anthropologie's normal clothing line runs very big on me, so if they have it available at the store, I try to stick to this section.  They do have the option of a 00 and XXS which is great to know in case I can't find something in the petite's section.  I know that may seem very small, but a lot of the time it is for the height and length for me.  

That's my quick wrap up for us mini's out there! I'm sure there are more I'm missing, but when you're in a pinch these brands are great to start with that are accessible. I'm always looking for new recommendations so feel free to send my way!

xox Soho Mini

Photo Credit:  Yusuke Shirakata

Photo Credit:  Yusuke Shirakata